GNR presents Rider Diaries Part 12

We can call him a seasoned rider as he has covered mostly all nooks and hooks of India along with two neighboring countries. He is equally enthusiastic about four wheels as he is with two wheels. Hailing from Lucknow, the town known for its food and culture, let’s welcome Aashish Srivastava.

So Aashish, tell us something about yourself
I grew up in Lucknow. Apart from being a foodie, I love automobiles. My interest narrowed on motorcycles more since the day I got introduced to two wheels. Have ridden all across India on my motorcycle, including two foreign neighboring countries as well (Nepal & Bhutan). I have a dream of doing a world ride someday, I hope that dream comes true.

We see you travel solo most of the time. How is the experience different from traveling with someone or in a group?
I mostly travel solo as it gives you ultimate freedom. You wake up and it’s just you — what you want, where you want when you want. In that freedom and infinite space of possibility, you meet yourself. You hit the limits of what you like and don’t like. There’s no one to pull you in any one direction or override your reasons.

It’s a sink, or swim and you must learn how to survive — who to trust, how to make friends, how to find your way around alone. That’s the greatest reward of solo travel: personal growth. Each time you go away, you learn to become a little more independent, confident, and in tune with your emotions and desires.
I always believed in the quote – “Travelers are dreamers, who make their desires for adventure a reality!”
Which was your longest and memorable ride?
My longest ride was from Bangalore to Bhutan – Nepal and back which was close to 10,000 kms covering some very challenging terrains of Mustang Valley in Nepal.

How do you plan for such enormous rides?
I plan my routes by gathering information on the internet and friends who have done that route in the past. I also read a lot on Team-BHP (Aashish_390) and check with members if, in case, I need assistance with anything. I always carry Spare Tools, Fuses, Sensor bypass plugs, Air Pump, Puncture Kit, Rain Gears, Medical Kit, and a few chocolates/chewing gums. I plan the route in a very old school way and always carry day-wise routes and notes on a sheet of paper that I put on my tank bag top pocket. I follow maps but I always have my own routes with me (when solo).
My criteria for a good stay when I am SOLO is a place where I get to interact with like-minded people and is hygienic. I mostly prefer Zostel whenever I ride solo.
While riding with friends I am not that picky – anything which is surrounded by nature and is clean works for me.

What do you feel is so empowering about motorcycles?
Riding a motorcycle releases the almighty endorphins that serve to boost mood and improve mental outlook.

But, riding a motorcycle is dangerous than flying in an airplane
It is indeed an extremely dangerous hobby to pursue. Riding sanely with proper gear will help a lot in case of an unfortunate event. Your attention on the road should never be compromised no matter what. It’s always better to stop and relax rather than pushing yourself on the saddle.
Catch Aashish on his adventures here: