- The normal dispatch time is within 1 working days but we will assure that product is dispatched as soon as possible from the warehouse.
- Since the products are shipped from different warehouse locations you may receive the product in separate packages.
- Tracking details of each shipment will be sent across via email.
- Delivery time will differ based on your given address. An estimated delivery time is usually between 2-10 working days. Delivery time will be shown in the tracking details.
- We ship the products using the best courier companies but there might be a delay from the courier partner which is not under our control. Order cancellations will not be accepted due to this delay.
- We do a quality check of the product and packaging before the dispatch. In case you find the package is tampered, please do not accept the parcel. Kindly inform us immediately about such a case and keep the phone no. of the delivery person handy.
- Please make sure you record a video while unboxing the parcel. This will be necessary to report transit damage or missing/faulty product.
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