- The normal dispatch time is within 1 working days but we will assure that product is dispatched as soon as possible from the warehouse.
- Since the products are shipped from different warehouse locations you may receive the product in separate packages.
- Tracking details of each shipment will be sent across via email.
- Delivery time will differ based on your given address. An estimated delivery time is usually between 2-10 working days. Delivery time will be shown in the tracking details.
- We ship the products using the best courier companies but there might be a delay from the courier partner which is not under our control. Order cancellations will not be accepted due to this delay.
- We do a quality check of the product and packaging before the dispatch. In case you find the package is tampered, please do not accept the parcel. Kindly inform us immediately about such a case and keep the phone no. of the delivery person handy.
- Please make sure you record a video while unboxing the parcel. This will be necessary to report transit damage or missing/faulty product.
SOLACE Short Riding Boots Speed X
₹9,180.00 – ₹10,200.00
When you don’t want or need to wear a full race boot, the SpeedX shorty boot fits the bill. Toe sliders and rear stiff heel box are all go, go, go! The Solace SpeedX boots are a fusion of race inspired features and unrestricted mobility.
Purchase this item and get 1836-2040 Points!Â
Purchase this item and get 1836-2040 Points!Â
FOR 5% OFF ON YOUR 1st ORDER, upto INR 100
FOR 5% OFF ON YOUR 1st ORDER, upto INR 100
People watching this product now!
- High-tech Lorica microfiber construction is lightweight and extremely durable
- Reinforced shifter zone
- Ergonomically designed TPU heel shock absorbing heel counter
- Replaceable abrasion-resistant steel toe slider
- Injection molded plastic protections
- Double stitched in all high stress areas
- Molded TPU shin guard backed with shock absorbing material
Comfort and Ergonomics
- Replaceable Antifungal, antibacterial wicks moisture, fast drying insole
- Lightweight, oil and wear-resistant, rubber sole features a unique design that provides excellent grip.
- Antibacterial and breathable pre-shaped inner lining for enhanced comfort and fit at ankle and heel areas.
- Easy entry with adjustable hook and loop strap
- Leather stretch panels for better comfort and durability
- Shock absorbing latex foam on flex panels, Padded front and rear ankle area,
- Extremely protective, flexible and comfortable
Other features
- ScotchliteTM used for maximum visibility at night
- Molded rubber gear shifter patch with a stiff toe box for precise shifts
- YKKTM zipper
Additional information
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Returns & Exchange
Return Policy
Refund request needs to be raised via email to support@gearnride.in within 24 hours after products are delivered.
- Product is unused, unwashed and in the same condition as it was at the time of delivery with all tags intact.
(Even if the product is used for a few minutes or 1-2 Km over a ride or short spin on your motorcycle, the product will be considered used.) - There is no sign of installation on/of the product.
- Product is returned in original packaging with no damages, grease or stains on the products as well as the original packaging
- We have a strict no returns and exchange policy for Base Layers / Balaclava. Once purchased, it cannot be returned or exchanged for any reason. This policy is in place to ensure the hygiene, safety, and quality of our base layer products.
- Pre-owned products are Non-Returnable.
- Lubricants, unless its damaged-on arrival, are not subject to refund.
Return Shipping
- Product has to be shipped by the customer within 48 hours of raising a return request
- Make sure product is packed safely and a reputed courier company is used to ship the parcel
- Incase of a transit damage in return shipping, product will not be accepted as a return under any circumstances. The same will be shipped back to you at an additional cost.
- If for some reason you are not able to ship the product back to us, we can raise the return shipping for you provided our shipping partners service your area. The price for the same will be informed to you while raising this request as it depends on the size of the product.
- Even in case of Gear N Ride booking the return shipping the packing of the product has to be done safely by the customer and a transit damaged product will not accepted as a return. The same will be shipped back to you at an additional cost.
- Kindly send across the tracking details to us on support@gearnride.in once product is shipped back
- Incase the product returns back after refusal of customer then customer has to pay for return shipping to ship the product back
- The shipping charges (at actuals), the transaction charges (2.5%) and any Processing fee (5%) will be deducted from your refund as these are non-refundable charges.
- If the return claim is rejected, we will send the product back to the customer. Customer will be responsible for paying all related shipping costs.
Exchange Policy
Sizing information is provided by the manufacturer and does not guarantee a perfect fit. In the event of exchange of product due to incorrect size, the product must be returned to us within 7 days from date of delivery, with proof of purchase and the product.The products have to be self-returned, refer Return Shipping for all details
Intimation of the exchange in size has to be informed within 24 hours from the product delivery time via an email on contact@gearnride.in only. If we opine, the reason to be genuine and the products are returned in a sale-able condition with the tags intact and in their original packaging, in an unwashed and undamaged condition, we would be more than happy to help the customer with the a different size in the same product, provided the size required by the customer is available in stock. The shipping charges to and fro has to be borne by the customer.
Categories: Boots, Clearance Sale, Short Boots
Tags: 000, COD, Easy return, Free regular shipping, Size exchange
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